Access Levels

Access levels are permission sets that allow members to perform different tasks within an organization. By assigning organization members to access levels, you determine the information they can see and actions they are allowed to perform.

Important: Access levels are not system roles. Permissions given to users by access levels only apply to the specific organizations in which the access level permissions were granted.

New organization members are automatically added to the default access level. Users with the Manage Access Levels permission can assign members to a different access level after they are accepted. An organization member can only be assigned to one access level.

Each organization comes with two standard access levels: Administrator and Base User. You can create, modify, and delete access levels. When you create a child organization, it has the same access levels as its parent.

Note: If a child organization already exists, and you create a new access level in the parent organization, the new access level is not created in the child organization.